domingo, 24 de febrero de 2019

medicinal plants

ethnobotanical congress  
leidy: good moming teacher
 Docente : good morning Leidy, how are you
 Lorena: very well
 Docente : Miss I want to make an invitation for you today at 2 pm on a conference that I am going       to do on ethnobotany in this same place
  Lorena: a good teacher at that time see you
  Lorena: hello girls, I want to invite you to a conference at 2 pm, come on? 
  Nasly: if I think the idea is great 
  Danitza:  yes what a good ideal i´m seeing ethnobotany class
  Lorena danitza and nasly : good afternoon
  docente: good ladies, take a seat, you know something about medicinal  plants
   lorena: yes, pronto alivio
   nasly: yes,  peppermint
   Danitza : yes, sabila
   Docente: Very well, let's taik about the use of them
   Danitza: Soon relief is a plant that is used as an aromatic herb
   Nasly:  peppermint contains different medinal properties
   Lorena : Aloe vera is a medicinal plant  that can be used in different eauty treatments
   Docente : Thank you very much for the participation

sábado, 16 de febrero de 2019

Trabajos realizados

Resultado de la imagen para MANEDWOLFMANED  WOLF
The maned wolf is a slender,
 long legged member of the
 dog family. It is found only
 in South America. The 
largest numbers of maned
 wolves are found in Brazil
, but they also live in Bolivia,
 Paraguay and Argentina. 

Imagen relacionada
 The condor is the biggest
 flying bird in the world.
 Its favorite habitat is the
 Andean heights between
2000 to 5000 meters above
 sea level. It has a wingspan
 as wide as 10 feet (3,30)
  meters It nests in the highest
  peaks and lays only one egg
   every two years with an 
   incubation period of 
  approximately 60 day

 There are three different species                                                                        
Resultado de la imagen para MANATEE  of manatee in the world, two of
 them living in Colombia: one in
  the Amazon River and the other
 in the Magdalena River. Manatees 
are the only plant eating aquatic 
mammals in the world. 

SPECTACLED BEAR                                                                         
Resultado de la imagen para OSO ESPECTACULAR The spectacled bear is the only 
bear found in South America.
 It lives on the slopes of the 
Andes It can live in duci the
 humid environment of_rain
 Fores a Bolivia, Ecuador, 
Colombia and Peru. habitats
 but it prefers It is a good 
climber, known to climb
 palmebit of up to 30 meters
 in height

Resultado de la imagen para guacamayoMACAW
 There are 18 different 
species of macaws inhabiting an 
area that covers from Mexico to 
Brazil. Their favorite environment
 is the rain forest. Macaws feed 
on seed and fruits, and the large
 hollow trees provide nesting sites
 for the two eggs they lay

questions and answers
How many species of macaws are there?
there are 18 different species

so that they use the macaws after being captured?
They are captured to use their feathers to make earrings

What are the manatees feeding on?
its food is from aquatic plants

Why is the manatees captured?
to use their skin and make oils and consume their meat

what is the incubation time of the condor?
its incubation lasts up to 60 days approximately

What is the favorite height for the condor?
its height is 2000 and 5000 meters above sea level

What is the habitat of the wolf?
its habitat is the grassland savanna

What is the food of the spectacled bear?
Feeds on leaves bark and roots

polluted                     shortage
soot                           barks
fuels                          crops         


Resultado de imagen para delfin
Dolphins are very interesting animals.
Mammals are mammals that have warm
blood. They live in oceans and in large
rivers The dolphins have a big mouth
and many small teeth The dolphins
grow approximately four meters. they
 can be very tall and dive very comfortable.



It is the most important archaeological site in Colombia. It is a park with the material vestiges of an interesting prehispanic culture. I03000 BC San Agustín was an inhabited territory. From that time until the twelfth century, a people with special sculptural skills formed or formed their socio-religious universe in stone. This culture comes to us today in the form of statues, shrines and tombs. In San Agustín, you can see cemeteries with tombs built in Stone.representation of solar gods, masked priests, female deities and pregnant women that symbolize the fertility of the Earth.

 It is another zone of special archaeological interest. It is a triangular mountainous region formed or shaped by the rivers Paez and UIllucos. deity The name of Tierradentro" evokes the past history of the region. It was the territory of fierce indigenous groups before the Conquest. When the Spaniards arrived, the Indians resisted them fiercely. Today white "mestizos" and Paez Indians live there, in an area of about 1,500 square miles (2,400 kilometers), In the tombs, ceramic urns were placed decorating geometric figures painted in black, white and red: there are designs of serros, lizards and escolopendras (centipedes), symbols of life and fertility


Dogs, especially the smallest ones, need a lot of attention and commitment. While you are kneading your dog, plan to take it out every hour. The eviction from home can take up to six months. Do not let young dogs roam freely around your house. Otherwise, you will lose shoes, toys, carpets and, possibly, furniture to the anxious teeth of the canine. Dogs also need to exercise twice a day. That does not mean a quiet walk around the block. A fenced yard with a doghouse is a good idea, you will have to make sure your regular check-ups with a veterinarian every month for all of them, has everything you need and respects your new life, and will respect and protect you.

Resultado de imagen para perros

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2019

Descripción de mi casa

In my house there are 5 rooms, my house is one floor, when entering the house we found the room, there are 6 chairs, in front there is a table, next there is a multimueble above there is a television, there is an encoder, below there are two music speakers, in each room there are beds, in my room there is a fan, next there is a chair, immediately there is a closet, next there are two windows, here is a large kitchen, there are two refrigerators, next there is a dishwasher , immediately there are the bathrooms, there is a sink, next there are two tanks, in front there is a garage, there are 3 doors. The house on the outside is orange

sábado, 9 de febrero de 2019

My routine

I wake up at 5:20 am, I get up at 5:30 am,
 I take a shower,I get dressed , then I brush
 my teeth breakfast at 7:00 am, I leave home
 at 7:30 am, I go to the university at 7:40 am,
lunch at 1:00 pm, after lunch, I take a nap for

 an hour, if in the afternoon, I go to work I do, 
afterI go to see movies, dinner at 8 pm, then 
I take care of my niece,  I go to bed at 12:00 am 
and the next day, I do the same routine, except 
that some days of the week I have class in the 
moming and other days, I spend the weekend 
with my boyfriend 

viernes, 8 de febrero de 2019

Leidy Lorena Aricapa Trujillo

My name is Leidy Lorena Aricapa Trujillo, I'm twenty two yeard old, I have two sisters, I'm from Doncello-Caquetá, I live in Florencia, I live with some friends, my favorite food the roasted chicken, my favorite sport is basketball, my favorite music is bachata, my favorite color is yellow, my favorite movie is those of action, I'm single, I like the hamburguer but I don't like the arepa. my hobby is watching movies,my favorite hobbies is playing basketball,I like volleyball but I do not like jogging.