domingo, 24 de febrero de 2019

medicinal plants

ethnobotanical congress  
leidy: good moming teacher
 Docente : good morning Leidy, how are you
 Lorena: very well
 Docente : Miss I want to make an invitation for you today at 2 pm on a conference that I am going       to do on ethnobotany in this same place
  Lorena: a good teacher at that time see you
  Lorena: hello girls, I want to invite you to a conference at 2 pm, come on? 
  Nasly: if I think the idea is great 
  Danitza:  yes what a good ideal i´m seeing ethnobotany class
  Lorena danitza and nasly : good afternoon
  docente: good ladies, take a seat, you know something about medicinal  plants
   lorena: yes, pronto alivio
   nasly: yes,  peppermint
   Danitza : yes, sabila
   Docente: Very well, let's taik about the use of them
   Danitza: Soon relief is a plant that is used as an aromatic herb
   Nasly:  peppermint contains different medinal properties
   Lorena : Aloe vera is a medicinal plant  that can be used in different eauty treatments
   Docente : Thank you very much for the participation

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